Season 7

From textbooks to handcuffs: Campus resistance for Gaza up close - Ep 156
July 04, 202450:10

From textbooks to handcuffs: Campus resistance for Gaza up close - Ep 156

Jovanni and Shiloh are joined by Levi and Rogue to discuss their roles at campus protests in Michigan and the larger student-led protests across the US in the now 268-day-long siege on Gaza.  Th...

A Revolutionary Act of Protest: Aaron Bushnell and the American empire – Ep 155
March 22, 202401:15:22

A Revolutionary Act of Protest: Aaron Bushnell and the American empire – Ep 155

Jovanni and Keagan join About Face folks Jack Tucker, Rachell Tucker, and Ramon Mejia to discuss the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell, the historical context of self-immolation as a form of protest,...

Shitcanning the media narrative on Ukraine w/ Olesya Orlenko – Ep 154
March 07, 202445:05

Shitcanning the media narrative on Ukraine w/ Olesya Orlenko – Ep 154

Jovanni sits down with independent journalist Olesya Orlenko, a Russian historian, who provides on-the-ground perspectives from Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.  They discuss the roots of the conflic...

The propaganda power of “Saving Private Ryan” w/ Tom Secker – Ep 153
February 18, 202401:46:16

The propaganda power of “Saving Private Ryan” w/ Tom Secker – Ep 153

ClandesTime host Tom Secker joins Henri to discuss the 1998 World War 2 film, “Saving Private Ryan.”  We spend ample time discussing that “horrific” opening scene and whether it’s as honest as S...

DPRK says no to reunification w/ KJ Noh – Ep 152
February 13, 202401:00:25

DPRK says no to reunification w/ KJ Noh – Ep 152

Jovanni hosts political analyst K.J. Noh for a deep dive into the historic decision by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un not to pursue reconciliation with South Korea, the escalating tensions involving...