Jovanni reverse interview w/ Lia Tarachansky - Ep 166
Jovanni is in the spotlight by returning guest Lia Tarachansky for an interview recorded on Novemb...
The Collapse of Syria w/ Jake Tucker - Ep 165
Henri and Jovanni are joined by anti-war activist and friend of the podcast Jake Tucker as they di...
Post-election 2024 breakdown w/ Matthew Hoh - Ep 164
Jovanni is joined by a long-time friend of the podcast, Matthew Hoh, former Marine Corps captain, ...
A Year of Resistance: Examining the Palestinian Struggle with Dr. Sara Masoud - Ep 163
Henri and Jovanni mark the first anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and the ongoing Israeli ge...
Fortress Redux - The Sacking of Fallujah w/ Ross Caputi and Scott Spaulding – Ep 125
I picked a great classic FOH episode to share with you all, especially with the ongoing Israeli si...
Examining Venezuela's Electoral Integrity, Sanctions, and U.S. Interventionism w/ Dr. Bahman Azad - Ep 162
Jovanni and Monisha are joined by Dr. Bahman Azad, President of the United States Peace Council , ...
Responsibility to Protect (R2P) & the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza w/ Nina Ng - Ep 161
Jovanni and Mike discuss the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine and its controversial princi...
The hard truth of being a journalist covering Palestine w/ Xelena González - Ep 160
Jovanni hosts journalist and author Xelena González, to discuss her experiences in Palestine, perf...
VA prizatization update w/ Suzanne Gordon and Jasper Craven - Ep 159
Suzanne Gordon and Jasper Craven from the Veterans Health Care Policy Institute join Henri to disc...